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AI's Secret Superpower

Eliminating Least-Loved Office Tasks

AI won’t eliminate every aggravating administrative task in the office. For example, when some annoying mooch empties the iced tea container in the fridge, it’s always me that ends up brewing the next batch.

Granted, I work from home and I’m the only one that drinks it, but it somehow it STILL seems unfair.

However, AI presents some great opportunities to streamline daily operations and reduce the burden of the kinds of menial tasks common to lots of teams and offices.

Today, we will explore some of the most obvious use-cases for eliminating office and team tasks - and also noting frankly some of the downsides of taking these tasks away from junior team members and giving them to - well, robot team members.

Meeting Coordination

Scheduling meetings sucks, and you only need to look at the graveyard of startups who have tried to power a truly universal calendar system to realize what a nightmare it can be, especially for smaller scale companies and executives without executive assistants.

AI-powered scheduling tools can find optimal meeting times, send invites, and even reserve rooms, freeing up time for higher leverage activities.


Ah, the classic directive to fresh-from-college hires: “In this meeting - don’t feel the need to speak, just take notes.” There are now several great options (including Fireflies AI and Augment - I plan on doing a deeper dive into meeting assistants in the future) for transcribing and summarizing. As someone who has been designated note-taker many times - it really inhibits the ability to find the rhythm of the conversation and be an active contributor. Having a robot notetaker enables more active listening, better followup questions, and a better experience for the interviewer than listening to a scribe clacking away on a keyboard.

The Potential Downsides

However, it's crucial to recognize the potential negative impacts that automation can have, especially for junior employees.

  1. Lost Learning Opportunities: New employees often learn through handling menial tasks. I learned more than I probably should have taking notes in my meetings in my early 20s! That hands-on experience can be vital in understanding the nuances of the business, building relationships, and developing essential skills. Also deprives more junior level people of an opportunity to show off to bosses with particularly comprehensive or well-written notes.

  2. Impersonal Social Experiences: While it can be a high risk maneuver to ask an employee to play a social event, it tends to bring out unique personality attributes and a personal touch that might be lacking, at least if people knew the event was primarily AI-generated.

  3. Job Displacement: Though automation can enhance efficiency, there could be concerns over job displacement or reduced entry-level opportunities.


AI presents an exciting opportunity to reimagine the way we work and to create a more egalitarian workplace environment. By automating routine and gendered tasks, employees can focus on more meaningful and creative work.

Yet, the transition must be handled with care. Implementing AI solutions without considering the broader context could unintentionally hinder growth opportunities for junior employees or even lead to job displacement.

Companies must strive for a balanced approach, leveraging AI to enhance productivity while also nurturing the growth and development of their employees. This requires thoughtful planning, ongoing dialogue with staff, and a commitment to equity and inclusion.

At Looly AI, we understand the complexities of integrating AI into the business landscape, especially for Small to Medium-sized businesses. If you're interested in leveraging AI tools to streamline your business and marketing operations, feel free to contact us to explore how we can tailor solutions to meet your unique needs.