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Teaming up with AI

A crash course on working with smart machines

Artificial Intelligence is coming to a workplace near you! These days it seems like every company is jumping on the AI bandwagon. As an employee, you may be wondering how to work with the robots without becoming obsolete. Not to worry - with the right outlook and training, you can thrive alongside your new artificial coworkers.

Getting up to Speed with AI

At first, the idea of a smart machine managing tasks sounds pretty unsettling. You may wonder if AI will take over your job completely or turn the office into an uncanny valley. But in reality, AI is here to make your job smoother, not steal it. The key is learning to use AI as your partner, not your adversary.

To get the collaboration going, you’ll need to comprehend how the AI system works and what it can and can’t handle. It’s like learning how your human teammates operate so you can work together flawlessly. Some tips:

  • Clarify responsibilities. Know which tasks you’ll continue to own versus what the AI will tackle. Leave the tedious data entry and analysis to the bots.

  • Speak its language. Get fluent in the AI system’s input style and commands. I felt silly chatting to our new conversational AI Maya at first, but now we’re best buds.

  • Check the recipe. Garbage in, garbage out - bad data ruins AI. Help train your AI by correcting its info and labels.

  • Mind the gaps. Notice what the AI can’t do well yet - like sensing tone in emails or making creative judgement calls. Fill in where needed.

With some savvy training and an open mind, you can master collaborating with your new AI teammates. Think of it as complementing each other’s talents.

How AI Learns the Ropes

Once you know how to work with AI, you can help coach it to improve. AI systems get smarter with time and experience through machine learning. It’s like how a new intern gets better as they gain know-how.

AI learns through different forms of training data:

  • Labeled data from humans helps it understand how to classify things properly. For a sales AI tool, use input from our veteran salespeople to maximize results

  • Finding patterns in unlabeled data lets AI spot new connections without human guidance. Experiment with using tools like ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter to ask it for open ended analysis. It may come up with some surprising/counterintuitive insights that a human might miss!

  • Interaction expands an AI’s knowledge, like how chatting with teammates teaches an intern workplace etiquette. The more diverse data the better!

With diligent training and collaboration, AI teammates will level up their capabilities on the job.

Handling AI’s Oops Moments

Like any new hire, an AI won’t be perfect right away. But with careful oversight and the right protocols, you can minimize mistakes:

  • Test rigorously first. Better glitches happen in the sandbox environment.

  • Monitor performance. Use periodic human review to spot errors. When errors occur, you can quickly pinpoint and resolve issues.

  • Promote diverse thinking. To reduce bias in data, companies should emphasize diverse and inclusive hiring and leadership. Diverse teams better spot potential training gaps. Creativity thrives with inclusive perspectives!

By pairing human strengths like critical thinking, creativity and emotional intelligence with AI’s untiring analysis and memory, we can reap the best of both worlds. With teamwork and empathy, workers and AI can excel together. The future is looking bright!

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